
WARNING Sebren have different calendar than most of Galaxy, on our planet there is now year 3004.

1000 B.O.E. to 1 B.O.E On Sebren are countries just like Earth, the stronger ones are annexing weaker, some of weak countries unites to be stronger, there are two strongest states- Hekella and Andeleya, they are rivals, the rivalisation end in 2nd century B.O.E. when Hekella splits into 4 parts and get fully annexed by Andeleya.

1 B.O.E. 1st contact of Sebrenians with other civilization, afraid nations started to forming one global goverment, they united under rule of strongest one- Andeleya, the ruler of 1st Kingdom of Sebren was Kareliya I.

1-47 The begging of new era, queen Kareliya I started to make Sebrenian development faster to protect Sebren of eventual war, she was also trying to keep young kingdom stable.

48-103 The new ruler- queen Andiria I, the daughter of previous queen keeps doing what her mother started, with help of friend-race she created first Sebrenian spaceship.

104-134 Andira I before her death gace her crown to her very young son - Olan I. The "Beautiful Times" end, Olan brutally was dealing with his enemies, he also used spaceships to invade other planet, Serevo, this planet wich wasn't even planetar goverment, had no chances with Olan's army. Serevo became Sebren's colony. In 134 Olan I singnet a threaty with Emperator of Xevia, Sebren became Xevian satelite state, for... 2 colonies.

135-547 Sebren was peacefully under Xevian influence, the technological development was pretty fast. But in the end of 547, the revolution started on one of Xevia's puppet-planet- Tristan (Terštán). The rebbels also captures Sebren, it was the end of Xevian Empire, and begging of Great Tristanian Taishirate.

548-1025 Tasherate wasn't as good as Xevia, Sebrenian had much repressions, specially connected with religion, Tristanians wanted to created empire with one mayor religion- Tristanian Taishirism. Some planets near borders of empire succefully get their indepedence, it was inpossible for Sebren, wich was in middle of Greag Taishirate. Things changed in late 1010s. In year 1019 Sebrenians had enough, they started revolution against Tristanians, in 1024 there was 1st in Sebrenian history spaceship battle on their planet- The Battle of Cyiandor, Sebrenians won and one year after they declared indepedence, some time after it Great Taishirate collapsed.

1026-1226 Sebren get it indepedence, they still had their colony- Serevo, wich accepted being a colony. Sebren this time "born" as Republic of Sebren, ruled by president picked by people for 10 years. But Sebren after war was very weak and poor, the economy was in horrible condition, completly different situation was on neighbour planet- Alcyon, wich later created United Kindom of Pleiades. Sebren was getting every decade poorer and weaker, in 1220 some provinces declared indepedence, the Sebrenian Civil War begins. The UKP decided to intervene in conflict to "avoid the people's tragedy", in 1226 Pleiades invaded Sebren and annexed it.

1227-2900 Sebren is again under ocupation, this time it got renamed to Sebrenian Protection Zone (1227-1972), Pleiadian Duchy of Sebren (1973-2856)
In 2857 Pleiades and Nibiru united forming Pleiadian-Nibirian Commonwealth, Sebren was "lower-category state" Sebrenians was ok with it, they had big autonomy and no repressions, thing changed in end of 30th century, when the red revolutuon started on Sebren, the rebels planned to form only People's Republic of Sebren, but they formed something bigger, The Union of Socjalist Kindoms of Sebren, wich had all territories of past Pleiades&Nibiru. Some red army's ideas also get into other planets like Earth (by Sebrenians called Lahan or Taryen).

2900-2980 The existence of Sebrenish Union, in these times also formed Opalyo Pact, between Sebren and some socjalist states- P.R.Xevia and S.F.O.Navaii (wich wanted to unite with U.S.K.S.) it was anser for Uniyataar (wich was ruled by old Pleiades&Nibiru goverment) formed Galaxy Defency Pact, in 2968 the Sebrenian crisis begins, it caused the slow collapse of Sebrenish Union wich finally happened in 2976, 4 years later Navaii also collapsed, but 2 most important planets- Sebren and Shiran still was in alliance, GDP was disbanned because it was useless.

2981 Sebren is still socialist, Sebren again starts to grow economicaly

2983 Pleiades attacks Sebren after Sebren tried to liberate Seryon (Sebrenians and Seryonian are releated races) from their occupation, it was I Seryonian War

2986 II Seryonian War starts about anty Pleiadian revolution, this time Sebrenian succed, and formed independent- Republic of Seryon-Anastasai

2990 Sebrenians joins Galaxy Support Pact, the economical organisation

2993 Sebrenian king Davalon IV officialy apologises for troubles that USKS caused on other planets

3000 After referendum, Serevo odficialy gets indepedence

3002 Sebren debuts in Galactivision, it was 1st and only qualify of Sebren

3003 Sebren again participates, don't qualify

3004 Same as 3003 :(. Last Sebrenian queen- Alndelaya IV abdicated, the new ruler is Olan Tiranov, Sebren turns authoritaristic

Since Edition 33

Edition 27-32

Edition 24-26

Capital: Andeleyhrod
Population: 10B
Environment: Warm
Government: Authoritarian Republic
Broadcaster: AndeleyTV

Appearances:  14
First Appearance:  #24
Best Result:  #29 (10th)
Worst Result:  #31 (16th SF)


Edition Artist Song Final Points Semi Points
#24 Loboda Superstar 22 69 6 78
#25 Sarsa Volta / / 12 55
#26 Palmer Etrange Ami / / 14 51
#27 Diandra Nadaa / / 15 41
#28 Margaret Cool Me Down 14 82 10 59
#29 TigerJK ft. Yoon Mirae Eagles 10 99 6 71
#30 Alec Benjamin Let Me Down Slowly 26 32 10 68
#31 Natalia Nykiel Kokosanki / / 16 18
#32 Kerli Savages / / 16 53
#33 Kay Tse Jidàn Yu Gaoyáng / / 13 51
#34 Nikolija Nema Limita / / 11 64
#35 Mimoza Love For Days / / 13 61
#36 Clödie Devil In Disguise 15 91 2 97
#37 Main-de-Gloire Run / / 14 57

JGVSC Artist Song Final Points Semi Points
#3 Roksana Wegiel Zyj 7 81 7 69
#4 Ola Nizio Kuloodporna 19 33 / /
#5 Roksana Wegiel Obiecuje 9 61 / /

CGVSC Artist Song Final Points Semi Points
#1 Sound N Grace Mozesz Wszystko 12 53 / /