

  • Join the Discord community, will mostly be by invitation from another participant.
  • Once accepted, create your planet following the planet rules.
  • Congrats, you'll be able to take part in the contest.


  • Your planet information must be written in the community under the "planets" room under "Galactivision".
  • Your planet information must contain:
  1. The name of the planet.
  2. The name(s) of the specie(s) living on it.
  3. The type of environment (ex: Tropical-Oceanic-Arctic).
  4. An estimation of the inhabitants (May have a percentage if there are several species).
  5. The type of government.
  6. Optional: A backstory of your planet for the lore.
  • Create then your flag:
  1. Flag size must be 500x300 (I mostly use 250x150 but prefer a bit bigger just in case).
  2. The flag can't be logo type, must be full.
  3. The flag can't contain offensive, choking or polemical elements, the owner reserves the right to refuse a flag under this rule.


  • Inscriptions will usually start after the publication of the results of the previous edition and will remain open to the next Sunday.
  • For your inscription to be accepted, you must have sent a song respecting the song rules before the deadline.
  • The maximum of participants in an edition is actually of 46.
  • An edition should last on 2 weeks, be sure you can vote on that period.
  • Please keep (part of) the name of your planet in your community pseudo.


  • No (J)Esc songs.
  • Song must have it's own videoclip. If a song doesn't, a replacement video can be made.
  • Song must have lyrics not just music.
  • An artist can only represent one planet at the same edition even in featuring.
  • Since we moved to the drive, the blocking rule isn't applied anymore.
  • NS is made via poll under the "national-selections" room under "Galactivision".
  • You must post your song on the community with its link and timeslot under the "songs" room under "Galactivision.
  • Timeslot on the recap video will last 25sec, give the starting point of it. Be aware that 2sec before and after will be used for transition.


  • You must vote in your SF and in the Grand Final, Big 6 planets will be given a SF to vote into.
  • You can't vote for your own planet.
  • Eurovision points system will be used: 12,10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
  • You must vote with the form given with the video or via PM to the owner.
  • Planets not voting in SF will be disqualified from the edition, yet still have to vote in the Grand Final to avoid a direct red card.
  • PQ planets not voting in SF or planets not voting in the Grand Final can't be PQ next edition.
  • In case of tie between two or more planets, the breaking rules are:
  1. Higher number of voters.
  2. Higher number of 12 pts then 10 pts then ...
  3. Running order.

Rules Breaking and Consequences

  • A system of cards have been created to punish those not respecting the rules, here are there:



  • Not voting in SF or Grand Final.


  • None.
  • Last for 2 participating edition after the one it was received.



  • Receiving a second yellow card on a pending yellow card.
  • Receiving a third yellow card on a pending orange card.


  • Suspension for 1 edition.
  • Last for 2 participating editions after the suspension.



  • Not voting in both SF and Grand Final (Direct red card).
  • Receiving a forth yellow card on a pending orange card.
  • Receiving a fifth yellow card on a pending red card.


  • Suspension for 2 Editions
  • Last for 3 participating editions after the suspension.



  • Receiving two direct red cards.
  • Receiving a sixth yellow card on a pending red card.
  • Cheating.
  • Harassing people on the community.


  • Suspension for 5 Editions
  • Last for 5 participating editions after the suspension.

  • Receiving two Black Cards will result in a permanent ban of the contest.
  • Owner of the contest reserve the right to immediately ban if he estimates the contestant attitude totally inappropriate with the contest spirit.


Most rules from the main contest apply, except some home rules from the organizer (Esc Bel And Charts):

  • If you want to participate, you must have participated at least once in the Galactivision Song Contest
  • You must vote in time and send your song in time to participate. No vote=Same rules as the Big song contest (random votes from other countries and cards)
  • Age: 3-18 (above 18 = Not allowed) (When they released the song)
  • A song is allowed from every country in the world and there is no view limit or overused rule
  • NS are allowed with a max of 5 songs and can open after I said it.
  • If I ask to give some evidence that your artist is 18 or below, you need to give me, and I will make a decision out of this.